About Coconut Carbon and  Granulated Carbon Water Filters

What is Activated Carbon?

Activated carbon is a medium made from the charcoal of carbonaceous material such as coconut or peat. Once processed, a single gram of activated carbon has an increased surface area of more than 3,000 m2 and a high degree of microporosity thanks to its complex structure of mostly carbon atoms.

How Does Activated Carbon Work?

Activated carbon works through the physical adsorption of contaminating organic compounds and chlorine. Its large and microporous surface area exerts an attractive force to the molecules of contaminating substances causing them to adhere to the pore walls of the activated carbon.

Adsorption should not be confused with absorption. The first is the process of molecules, ions or atoms from a liquid or solid adhering to a surface, creating a film called an adsorbate. Absorption on the other hand, is a process of assimilation, when the molecules of one liquid are dispersed or dissolved throughout the bulk of another.

What is Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)?

Granulated activated carbon has the advantage of being harder and more durable than powdered activated carbon. It is clean to handle and has the ability to extract impurities from large volumes of water.

Why is Activated Carbon Used in Water Filters?

Activated carbon has a negative electric charge which attracts the molecules of many  – but not all – contaminants. While some chemicals like sodium and nitrates pass right through an activated water filter, organic and carbon-based impurities are efficiently bound to the surface.

Are Activated Carbon Filters Good at  Removing Chlorine from Water?

Yes, absolutely. In fact, activated carbon water filters remove chlorine very efficiently and can be operated at low cost.  Typically filters that remove chlorine are described as appropriate for CTO removal – which means CTO filters remove chlorine, taste and odor.

Are Activated Carbon Filters Good at Removing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)?

Volatile organic compounds are those like fluorine which will easily turn into a gas or vapor. Although standard CTO filters are able to remove VOCs, they can be treated to do so more efficiently thus adding an extra layer of purity.

Does Activated Carbon Remove Bacteria?

By itself, activated carbon will not remove bacteria from water. However, the contaminant removal properties of activated water filters can be enhanced such as those impregnated with silver to improve bacteria removal.